Wednesday Night Wars: NXT - 2020.09.30
NXT starts off with a women's bout between Shotzi Blackheart and Dakota Kai for nothing more than making a case for them to have a title shot in the future because the snooze fairy, Candice LeRae somehow outlasted one of the best workers in the business right now, Rhea Ripley, and is now the number one contender and set to square up against Io Shirai (champ) at NXT Takeover 31 on October 4th. Blackheart has certainly improved a lot since her fight against Shirai, he overly edgy look and persona can be a bit much sometimes. For example, her little tank gimmick where she drives in on a power wheels tank to the ring would have been cute for a one time special entrance for Takeover, but has just become very stale over time. Overall, the match was nothing standout. I really like Kai, but there is only so much that even a good wrestler can do.
After this, we cut to a very awkward promo between two people who can't cut promos, Swerve and Escobar. Escobar, who's accent sounds faker than a Todd Howard promise bumbles his way through an argument that although he always cheats to win that it doesn't take away from the validity of his victories (without admitting he's actually cheating of course). Swerve swerves up some awkward rebuttals and thankfully this segment ends.
There's a somewhat wholesome promo about (O-o-o)O'Reily and Balor finally happening at Takeover 31, with some potential lore hints that Undisputed may buttheads with O'Reily or break up if he wins due to jealousy from Cole (speculation). Then we go to a segment with LeRae and Gargano and they seemingly get awful each time. I've never been a fan of Gargano, but his heel turn is particularly bad especially when compared to another heel run, like Ciampa's concurrent one which is much better and much more convincing. Gargano and LeRae are going for a very bad Great Value version of Miz/Maryse and although I'm not crazy about the Miz either, I will give credit that he was more original about it and pulled it off.
Austin Theory cuts a promo that I forgot as it was happening it was so bad, however he would go on to have a few surprisingly decent spots in his match with Cole that Cole primarily dominated. Towards the end of their fight Austin Theory did a very convincing and painful looking missile dropkick to Cole's face, but eventually lost the match to Cole anyway. Cole was seemingly angry about Undisputed seemingly losing clout since all of them have lost their belts and this sour attitude further makes me believe that Undisputed is fairly close to imploding as time goes on and especially if O'Reily somehow beats Balor. This match was decent, but does something that WWE and AEW have done way too much recently which is over use signature moves or finishers repeatedly in a single match and although these writers think they are making the opponent taking the shots look stronger, all they are really doing is making these moves look weaker.
Finally, right before their match against the Loser Couple of WWE (LeRae/Gargano), Priest and Shirai have an awkward, but I'll admit cute interview interaction to solidify their chemistry before this very thrown together last minute match. The match itself is nothing standout and this is further made more boring when LeRae and Gargano pick up the victory by once again cheating using their couple dynamic.
After the September 8th episode of NXT, where Balor and Cole had one of the best matches of the last few years, the follow ups to this particular event have felt like they've fallen short. It really is hard to live up to your high points when they happen so rarely and that is a rut that WWE has been in for far too long now and I really wish Vince or whoever is stinking it up at WWE Creative would move out of the way and let some actual talent takeover for booking and writing.
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